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Repair & Conversion Service
With a philosophy of deeper understanding Clients' needs together with a great store of our experience and knowledge on dry docking, conversion, engines/machinery maintenance & repair, shipbuilding and offshore projects, we provide consultancy services to Clients the best solutions and recommendations for their specific needs. Besides providing information and promoting the various shipyards, we also assist engineering work for their technical projects such as conversion, upgrading and life extension of offshore facilities, rigs and ships.
For the integrated one-stop services for Clients, we have an alliance company which provides maintenance, repair and warranty services work by well experienced and qualified professional engineers and workers with good track records for ship & marine related projects.
Given the current rapidly changing circumstances of energy and environment protection enforced by the governing authorities such as IMO and USCG, our service includes to retrofit newly developed system and products to make Clients' properties to meet the regulations with most efficient technologies. In addition to the conventional ship maintenance services and after services with professional engineers and skilled workers, we can supply most reliable equipment & systems needed to effectively carry out these works.
Routine ship repair, offshore facilities repair
Emergency (collision) ship repair, life extension and conversion
Offshore drilling rigs drydocking for conversion, upgrade and life extension
Offshore floaters life extension, conversion, upgrade and refurbishment
Conventional ships & rigs maintenance, repair & A/S including engines, machinery, structures, systems and equipment
Retrofit environment enforced like BWMS (Ballast Water Management System) and Exhaust Scrubbers
Retrofit new technology like LNG fueled or bunkering
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