We provide best solutions covering both technical and commercial requirements for your valuable projects by means of engineering, consulting, project cost & budget estimation & planning, project management services as well as products agent services. By focusing not only the traditional oil & gas and marine markets, but also currently booming LNG related and marine environment related markets (e.g. enforced by IMO regulations), we'd like to propose newly developed technology for better efficiency. We also serve repair, maintenance, conversion, upgrading and retrofit for offshore facilities and ships.
Engineering Service
Offshore production floaters, FLNGs, LNG facilities and ships
Floating LNG Storage, Regasification & Power Units (FSRPUs)
Mooring & subsea pipeline & cables
Project cost & budget estimation & planning
Application Engineering for products
Introduction of newly developed technology for LNG related and marine environment related markets, such as Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) and LNG storage tank pressurized design
Products Agent Service
Differentiated business model to maximize Clients' satisfaction and project efficiency
Over 500 suppliers pool including the most of South Korean manufacturers
Application Engineering for Clients from projects early stage
Self screening of products suppliers at the pool
Propose only strictly qualified & competitive suppliers to Clients
Repair & Conversion Service
Offshore rigs, service vessels & production facilities
Ships maintenance & repair, engines & machinery after-services
Retrofit of Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) and Exhaust Scrubbers
Retrofit of Cryogenic tanks for LNG / LPG / LEG (Type C - Pressurized) for low SOx & NOx